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Chapter News

  • Chapter Member Meeting Tomorrow in CHS 2206

    As a reminder, our chapter member meeting will be tomorrow in CHS 2206 and via Zoom from 4-5:30pm. For those joining on Zoom, the link is included below. We hope to see you there!

    Join Zoom Meeting



    Meeting ID: 991 2121 1845

    Passcode: 3rP4BX




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    • +1 253 205 0468 US

    • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    • +1 360 209 5623 US


    Meeting ID: 991 2121 1845

    Passcode: 846014


    Find your local number: https://samford-edu.zoom.us/u/aILuB1frp

  • Reminder to RSVP for Chapter Member Meeting on November 19th

    This is just a reminder to RSVP for our Gamma Eta chapter meeting on Tuesday, November 19th from 4-5:30pm (CST). This event will be at Samford University in the College of Health Sciences. Members may also attend via Zoom.  Refreshments will be provided for those who choose to attend in person. Please RSVP using the Qualtrics survey below. We hope to see you there!


  • Chapter Member Meeting November 19th

    We will be hosting a meeting for all members of the Gamma Eta chapter on Tuesday, November 19th from 4-5:30pm (CST). This event will be at Samford University in the College of Health Sciences (room TBD). Members may also attend via Zoom.  Refreshments will be provided for those who choose to attend in person. Please RSVP for this event by Tuesday November 12th using the Qualtrics survey below. We hope to see you there!


  • Join us on Facebook

    Follow the link below to join the new Gamma Eta Facebook Group!

  • Region 8 Conference

    Gamma Eta Chapter members. Please plan to join us at the Region 8 Conference which will occur September 19-21 in Jackson, MS. This is always a great way to connect with other members of Sigma but close to home. The registration link is: 2024 Sigma Region 8 Conference - Registration (google.com)

  • Gamma Eta Chapter: Call for Officer Nominations (and Self-Nominations)

    Gamma Eta Chapter: Call for Officer Nominations (and Self-Nominations)
    Gamma Eta Chapter Leadership Succession Committee (LSC) is calling for candidates for Vice President (2024-2026), and committee members for Leadership Succession and Governance.  
    All members of Gamma Eta are eligible for these positions. We always seek broad representation from active members in practice, education, administration, and community. We are still hoping to activate a leadership development program to support future candidates.
    Please forward names and their contact information to Dr. Ellen Buckner, Leadership Succession Chair, at ebbuckner@gmail.com or ebuckne2@samford.edu or call 205-910-9877. 
  • Sigma- Gamma Eta Chapter Induction

    Join us in celebrating the induction of new members to the chapter. These are current undergraduate students in their 4th semester and set to graduate December 2024. This is exciting as they can become involved in the chapter while still on campus. The induction ceremony will be March 17th at 2:00 pm in Robinson Hall Room 207 at the Cumberland School of Law, Samford University.

Chapter Events